Offering Employee Benefits You Will Rely On
Helping employers provide benefits in a clear stress free way.
Have you been frustrated by brokers who:
Only show up at open enrollment?
Offer the same plans every year & its always higher?
You have to do their work during open enrollment?
Don’t communicate with you regularly?
Make big promises and don’t deliver?
Not every company has an HR Department. So get help.
You are feeling confused, overwhelmed and need some guidance because employee benefits is not why you went into business.
Your business was started because you’re really good at it and you want to be a leader in your field and have great employees helping you.
What you really need is a helper. That person that you can lean into to help make it painless and advise you on benefits so that the employees see real value in what is offered.
There has to be a better plan!
Lets Talk About You.
We take the time to make sure we are a good fit. So later everything goes smoothly.
Know your options.
We’ll present a complete benefits package complimenting your employee’s needs.
Best Enrollment Ever.
No paper forms & deductions back fast. It’s that easy.
testimonial place holder
There are no secrets to quoting, filing claims or billing errors.
We can do that, too.
Where we excel:
Employee Education
Understanding the value and how their benefits work.
Easy access to the tools needed.
Quick Responses
You lost your card and you're at the doctor’s office.
We are ready for that.
Paperless Open Enrollment
We provide all of our clients an enrollment platform at no cost.
Just imagine… No paper and everything is legible.
How can we help?
No broker can solve every problem before it happens. But, if there is going to be improvement, you need to work with a broker that has the experience to know the the pitfalls so you can be steered clear of them.
The cost of benefits is not going down, so you need to see your options. You may not choose to make changes, but at least know what you’re saying no to.
This is a big area. We make sure that the initial enrollment is right and that’s a big start. We help reconcile the first bill and will be there when you have questions.
With the passing of ACA in 2010, many new compliance tasks were put on employers with substantial fines being passed along, too.
Keeping up with them is not what you want to do. We can help.
Paperless wins hands down!
Better security of employee’s information, improved accuracy during enrollment & less filing cabinets.
We provide all of our clients with an enrollment platform at no cost.
Better yet, you can that same system as your HR Platform for free, too.
Benefits are expensive. You need to get your money’s worth. We will complete 1-on-1 enrollment to make sure that your employees understand and can use their benefits.
Over 100 years of experience
in the employee benefits.
At Foundation Benefits we know that you strive to make your business a leader in your field and “the place” that everyone wants to work. In order to do that you have to recruit, pay well, train and develop all the employees. The problem is that employee benefits have become your blind spot and you know how important it is but you only deal with it once a year. That can make the decisions stressful. We believe that employee benefits should be easy. We understand that you want to just run your business. That’s why we provide you with all the pieces to make informed decisions, complete easy open enrollments and then a seamless installation of your benefits.
Here is how it works:
Let’s talk. Inside 15 minutes we’ll both if we are a good fit.
Show you how we can help.
Have the easiest enroll in benefits ever.
So, we need to talk. Stop feeling exhausted by benefits and get back to the business of running your first-rate operation.